Awesome Books

The number after the book name stands for the year in which the book was written in. All books are put in their respective category and are sorted from newest to oldest. πŸ“•/πŸ“– before the books show if the book is free or not.

Please read contribution guidelines before contributing.

Algorithms #

Architecture #

Art #

Autobiography #

Awareness #

Basic Income #

Biographies #

Biology #

Business #

Category theory #

Chemistry #

Compilers #

Computational complexity #

Computer graphics #

Computer networking #

Computer science #

Computer Systems #

Creativity #

Cybernetics #

Cryptography #

Cryptocurrencies #

Data Science #

Databases #

Design #

Drugs #

Economics #

Engineering #

Evolution #

Environment #

Fiction #

Adventure #

Comedy #

Fantasy #

Fantasy series #

Short Stories #

Thriller #

Film Making #

Finance #

Fitness #

Functional programming #

Future #

Game Development #

Graphic design #

History #

Alternative history #

Investing #

Kubernetes #

Leadership #

Logic #

Machine learning #

Management #

Math #

Memoirs #

Mindset #

Minimalism #

Music production #

Neuroscience #

Non Fiction #

Nutrition #

Operating Systems #

iOS #

Linux #

MacOS #

Philosophy #

Physics #

Poetry #

Politics #

Programming interviews #

Programming language design #

Programming languages #

Assembly #

C #

C++ #

Clojure #

D #

Go #

Haskell #

Java #

JavaScript #

Kotlin #

Lisp #

OCaml #

Perl #

PowerShell #

Prolog #

Purescript #

Python #

R #

ReasonML #

Ruby #

Rust #

Scala #

Smalltalk #

Swift #

TypeScript #

Agda #

Programming #

Psychedelics #

Psychology #

Quantum physics #

Regular Expressions #

Reinforcement learning #

Reverse engineering #

Science #

Scifi #

SciFi Series #

Security #

Sleep #

Society #

Spirituality #

Startups #

Statistics #

Strategy #

Text editors #

Vim #

Type theory #

Unix #

Version control #

Git #

Visualization #

Writing #

Web Development #


Node #

React #

Redux #

Webpack #

Web design #

Other #



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