Awesome Indie

Awesome Indie Awesome#

Resources to help independent developers make money.

Making money from your own code has never been easier, but it's still hard. Here, I try to curate a list of resources to help everyone interested in making money from their digital products get inspired and give it a try. Be it monetizing side-projects, bootstrapping business ideas, etc.

Projects don't need to be big, actually, it's better if they are not, they just need to be profitable. They might provide a passive income after the initial bulk of work, and who knows, maybe even help you reach financial independence.

Going indie does have lots of lifestyle perks :)

All these resources might help inspire you and put you on the right track but in the end what matters is to MAKE and TRY stuff. So devour this content responsibly :)

Contributions are more than welcome.

by @mezod (Doing things every day with


Contents #

Communities #

Makerlog is a free community of makers shipping products together. There's discussions + a task management tracker that allows you to get a streak (to keep you motivated shipping).

Other #

Newsletters #

Podcasts #

Talks #

Other #

Posts #

Others #

There's obviously a million posts on the topic. I'm sure this is not a good selection but it'll get you started. Here you can find some more:

Blogs #

Others #

Case Studies #

Events #

Not specific to indie founders: #

Books #

Other #

Tools #

Courses #

Again, I'm not quite fond of listing [$] products made by indie developers targeting indie developers, especially because I haven't tried them myself, but due to several references I assume they are probably worth it and some people might find value in learning about them.

Specific topics #

In the future, I'd like to have a list of resources for more specific topics or FAQs such as:

Help me make a proper list of specific topics!


Since you've made it this far, sharing this article on your favorite social media network would be highly appreciated 💖! For feedback, please ping me on Twitter.
