Awesome Phalcon

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A curated list of awesome Phalcon libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-go.

Contributing #

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Contents #


Access control list.

Application Skeleton #

Various application skeletons.

Authentication & OAuth #

Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.

CMS & Blogs #

Content management systems & blogs.

Command Line #

Command line applications & tools.

Config #

Dashboard #

Admin Panels & Dashboards.

Debug #

Debug & profiling tools.

i18n #

List of i18n and l10n libraries and services.

Integration #

Integration with third party services


List of extensions for IDE

Miscellaneous #

These libraries were placed here because none of the other categories seemed to fit


Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.


Libraries that implement Object-Document Mapper techniques.

Provisioning #

Tools for provisioning a system for a Phalcon application.

RESTful #

Representational state transfer.

Routing #

Various routing libraries & extensions.

Searching #

Searching tools & libraries.


Seo tools.

Shop & Ecommerce #

Talks #

Conferences, Chats, Forums, etc..

Templating #

Libraries and tools for templating.

Testing #

Testing tools and solutions.

Server Applications #

Resources #

Where to discover new Phalcon libraries.

Conferences #

Conferences, IRC, Forums, etc..

Books #

E-Books #

Websites #

Tutorials #


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